No sooner had I posted, 'In your own time eh love' before I had both my girls home from hospital. What a huge relief all-round – I can now stop boring friends on Facebook with constant 'Sats are too low' updates, and, from a logistical point of view its just great to settle down to the thing I sometimes catch myself moaning about – simple old 'day-to-day life'.
Each episode I've faced (and continue to face) since finding out Rosie has Down's syndrome helps me appreciate, more and more, the things that life gives so generously to me. I don't think I've ever been hugely materialistic, but equally, I would be lying if I didn't admit that I have, in the past, thought my shortfalls in life might be based upon material things like, cars, job title, etc. "should I have achieved this by now?" should I have that?" short, it's becoming more and more evident just how rich I really am with my family. Yes, yes, I can hear you all saying, "pass the bucket" but I'm being brutally honest (and I'm a tad ashamed) when I admit it's probably taken the arrival of Rosie and events taking me out of my 'comfort zone' to finally help me realise just how lucky I really am.
Anyway I digress! The change in Rosie since she's been out of hospital has been quite remarkable, most people pass comment on how her breathing sounds easier/better than ever, which in turn has given her another lease of the form of dancing! You may think I'm jumping the gun as she can't crawl, let alone walk yet, but believe me, this little bud has rhythm! I've posted a video below to try and show you – I've left the sound off as the background noise is too irritating but she was dancing to Paul Simon's 'You can call me Al'.
I've also included a (albeit poor quality) video of the moment we surprised Harry and Joe with the arrival of Rosie and Mummy. As you'll see from Rosie's reaction she wasn't as pleased to be away from the doting nurses!
I've also included a (albeit poor quality) video of the moment we surprised Harry and Joe with the arrival of Rosie and Mummy. As you'll see from Rosie's reaction she wasn't as pleased to be away from the doting nurses!
Finally I must not forget to thank all the staff of the 'Starlight Childrens Ward' at Wythenshawe Hospital for their tireless efforts in helping our Budlington get back on track.

I'm so pleased things are positive. Love to all x