Monday, 28 May 2012

Rosie's big day

A glorious weekend of sunshine was the perfect accompaniment to Rosie's Christening – which took place on Sunday. Thankfully the sun didn't arrive the previous weekend as I'm sure if it had, team 'Running for Rosie' wouldn't have had quite the same success!

Sunday's Christening was such a great day and a perfect way to say thanks for all we have been blessed with since the arrival of Rosie – sure, we've had some extremely difficult times but we've also seen many more positives, as this blog hopefully manages to portray. 

On a personal level, Sunday gave me the opportunity to reflect on just how much Rosie has enriched my life as a Dad. As my only daughter we do share a bond like no other I've ever experienced – she still manages to make me well-up with her smile alone! There are also the emotional hurdles I've had to face (and will continue to face), sometimes I've managed admirably, sometimes not so...but all the same they're unique experiences that constantly teach me about myself, whilst making me that little bit stronger and more appreciative for what's really important in life.  

The Christening was conducted by Rev. Mike Walsh at Heald Green United Reformed Church. It was simply perfect and appealed to every one of our guests, some of whom do, and some of whom don't 'believe'. Rather than a more traditional address, we sat and listened (with tear filled eyes) as Mike read out a letter that he'd written especially to Rosie. I have included this in the pictures below so you can appreciate how heartfelt and personal it is.

Rosie's very fortunate after being showered with lots of very generous gifts – which Karen enjoyed opening (I would have too had I got a look in!). We'd like to thank each and every one of you who helped make her big day so perfect for the whole family. 

A special thank you to Rosie's Godparents, Keith, Tricia and Shiobhan (Shiobhan also made the amazing cake!). Also big thanks to everyone at Heald Green URC for making us feel so welcome and for keeping the children entertained with plenty of fun and activities.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful letter to Rosie. Can imagine it was really moving. God bless Rosie!
