Friday, 16 March 2012

The big ONE

I have just spent ages thinking about what I'd like to say about today (15th March), the moment has come and I literally don't know where to start. The year has had many highs yet equally many low points. Today has most certainly been a huge high for us all and I think the photo's show, none more so than for Rosie.

One thing I do have to say is whilst Rosie isn't as advanced in development as other babies her age, she has, in her one year of life, already shown more bravery and courage than I have ever shown in my 36 years and for that I will always be in total awe.

Happy Birthday beautiful


  1. She is just so completely adorable! The photos are lovely - so glad you all had a wonderful day x

  2. What a beautiful and charming little girl. We love Rosie from the first day on and are very proud of having her in our family. Thank you Tom for sharing your thoughts, fears and joy and letting us be part of Rosies life. We read your blog with great joy and admiration. Lots of love to all of you. On behalf of your Swiss family, Andrea

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. gorgeous, gorgeous little girl and obviously so loved by everyone.... Happy Birthday Rosie
