Thursday, 18 April 2013

Reverse Shuffle

Another post see's another achievement for our Bud. She has now taken her shuffling to a whole new level. Not content with just moving forward she's been working on a reverse version which is best described as a 'moon walk' for bottom shufflers. It's brilliant to watch – she tucks her head in (to optimise aerodynamics obviously!) and then she's off…I've included a short clip below which I guarantee will make you smile (sound recommended).

Rosie has also now developed an attraction to zips. She is able to grab the zipper from our tops and pull them undone before zipping them back up again. She does this with great concentration and while it may seem a rather unimpressive achievement it does show a small development in her coordination – an area she usually struggles with. For her to be able to pick up such a tiny object as a zipper between her finger and thumb and keep it held tight is something she certainly couldn't do a few weeks ago. It dawned on her just the other night that her sleep suit has a zip on and as she sat on Karen's knee before bed the little monkey decided to undress herself!

On a slightly more random note, last week I was enjoying a play and cuddle with my Bud when she gazed up at me and placed her chin on mine. She just kept it there perfectly still for ages as if waiting for me to make the next move – unsure what to do and feeling slightly under pressure to deliver I played along by opening my mouth and closing it again. She waited a moment, chin still glued to mine, then copied me. Each time we've cuddled since she initiates this random game which is great as it's another step forward in her ability to communicate. It is also exercising and strengthening her jaw by raising her head up from her chin!

Finally for those interested (that may not have seen the posts on Facebook and Twitter) below is a link to a recent interview I did for the lovely folks at MAD Blog Awards – something I'm not used to doing and truth be told I was a little worried about. Anyway I'll let you be the judge…

MADS 'Meet a finalist' interview – The Future's Rosie


  1. I love it! How cute is her shuffle!! She is growing so big and getting so smart!!! Keep up the good work sweet girl who shares my name! We are all cheering for you!

    Much love from Utah!

  2. arrrrr, i love her, never seen a baby move so fast, swap you for my cute dog xx

  3. Oh Rosie, you always make me smile and are so similar to Eva :) xx

  4. I know I've said it loads of times before, but I never will tire of it! She is so completely gorgeous! Having finished all my marking, I also got the opportunity to indulge in some of the other videos you have uploaded, I could truely watch your little Bud all day! Sending love to you all xx

  5. I love this blog and your facebook page! It's very inspirational, I love all your updates. I work with a litte girl with Downs Syndrome called Rose, she is six and an absolute sweetheart, your little Rosie reminds me very much of her which always make's me smile! I'm sure she will grow up to be just as cute and lovely as Rose and just as independent too! You are doing fab! xxx

  6. Love your comment about you and Rosie chin talking! It is called 'intensive interaction' which you are doing take your cue from her and respond and take it from there! Talking to each other! Loved the shuffle too xx

  7. Oh I love you guys! I just knew there'd be fab music to the backwards shuffle too!
    Have a great weekend.
    H x

  8. If shuffling becomes an Olympic event Rosie is sure to get gold, she is adorable. I actually laughed out loud watching this.

  9. She is beautiful!

  10. She is beautiful and priceless!

  11. I have just stumbled on your blog and quickly added it to my bookmarks! Rosie (and her brothers) all look like bundles of fun and energy...Good luck with that!! I loved the video!

  12. Just wanted to say she is absolutely gorgeous...Little Rosie will have lots of friends, and the ones that don't become friends will be the ones missing out :-) x
