Thursday, 11 October 2012

Stares and Slides

Since I last wrote Rosie's had a few unsettled nights waking with a cough, she's also constantly putting her hands in her mouth so we're pretty sure she's teething again. We're not overly concerned about the cough because it isn't affecting her in the daytime but we'll be keeping a close eye on it as the colder weather creeps back in, hoping we don't have a repeat of last winter where most of December (including Christmas) was spent in hospital with Bronchiolitis. When she does awake coughing it seems the only way to settle her is cuddles with Mummy. After 15 minutes Mummy time she's put back to bed and tends to remain calm for the rest of the night – I'm beginning to think she's employing 'stay up late' tactics as taught by her older brothers but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now!

We enjoyed a visit this weekend from some of the London branch of the family which was great. As the family expands and grows older it becomes increasingly harder to see each other, making the time we do spend together all the more valuable. We had a great time catching up and sharing stories of all the new things the kids are up to. Saturday was spent at a farm allowing all the kids to run riot in the huge play area. Although Rosie wasn't running around she still had loads of fun and even took a trip down the slide with Harry. After a few goes we decided to try her by herself (I held on of course), and after a cautious start she was soon whizzing down with her trade mark smile and giggling!

Today Rosie had a visit from her physio and they're really pleased with the progress she's making with her leg strength. Karen tells me she wasn't so keen to do much else though and when the physio put her into the crawling position she just planted her face into the carpet and refused to move – then gave 'that stare' which shows clear signs of a stubborn (but still cheeky) side developing. Rosie is becoming a bit of a master of facial expressions. Those of you that follow the Facebook page too will have seen I posted a picture of her 'get what I want' look and to follow that up I've included a picture below of her executing it perfectly on me...the little darling.


  1. What adorable pics! Love the last slide one! She is so cute!!

  2. Wheeeee! You go Rosie! We hope you knock that cough on the head too x
    (I have a slide pic I must dig out for you...)

  3. PS Not sure if you know but you have encaptcha enabled which is infuriating :)
