I'm happy to report that she ate everything, to be fair it would have been quite hard to pick bits out as it was all blended together but still she ate the lot and we're all very proud that she has excellent taste in food as well as music.
Rosie was also very keen to copy us all and kept trying her best to keep hold of one of the spoons we'd given her to play with. At the moment we're trying to encourage her to reach out and grab things for herself, she's certainly making moves in the right direction but it will be a while before she's doing things like feeding herself.
I stumbled across this song by Jack Johnson the other day whilst my tunes were on shuffle and have decided that this (for now) is my song for Rosie, anyone who knows me well knows how much I love music and how I listen to the lyrics of songs and like to adapt them to my own world. This song (whilst I know isn't about a Dad and his Daughter) just sits perfectly with my feelings for Rosie (especially the words in bold):
I've got an Angel
She doesn't wear any wingsShe wears a heart that can melt my own
She wears a smile that can make me wanna sing
She gives me presents
With her presence alone
She gives me everything I could wish for
She gives me kisses on the lips just for coming home
She could make angels
I've seen it with my own eyes
You gotta be careful when you've got good love
'Cause the angels will just keep on multiplying
But your so busy changing the world
Just one smile can change all of mine
We share the same soul…
'Angel' by Jack Johnson Listen here...
Tom, your choice of song for Rosie is really lovely and the photos of her eating her dinner are great.